For a brighter future, you have to understand the past
A career reporting on
Energy & Environment
Here’s a little back-catalogue containing what is actually a small selection of some of my older articles for Renewable Energy Focus, Renews, Windpower Monthly, Wind Energy Update, Tidal Today, PV Insider, and others.
If you need a journalist or editor who really knows and understands the energy industry, feel free to send me a message or give me a call on +44 (0)7921 258583.

Older articles
Here’s just a selection of some of the older articles and Editorial Leaders I have written on the energy market over the years – and that’s not including much of the content I wrote during my time as News and Senior Editor for Windpower Monthly (although I have included a few), nor anything from Sustainable Energy Developments (which I published myself some 20 years ago) or Inside Energy.
Wow, I’ve written a lot of words over the years.
Please note: some links may stop working as the relevant companies update or change their websites 🙁
General/All Energy Market Overviews – including oil and gas
- Blog: Fuel price hikes, green agenda to blame, and UK renewables investment set for a two-year go-slow… so what’s new then? Renewable Energy Focus, 18 October 2013
- IEA highlights “huge” untapped potential for energy efficiency, Energy Demand, 16 October 2013
- Editorial Leader: Time to pass on the renewables baton Renewable Energy Focus, 10 September 2013
- Editorial Leader: Revolutionary time for the energy poor Renewable Energy Focus, 10 June 2013
- Editorial Leader: New markets for a new era of power Renewable Energy Focus, 9 April 2013
- HVDC breakthrough heralds a new era for renewables Renewable Energy Focus, 29 April 2013
- An inconvenient truth Renewable Energy Focus, 23 January 2013
- Editorial Leader: Now the campaign really begins Renewable Energy Focus, 10 December 2012
- Editor’s Blog: Paradise lost? Renewable Energy Focus, 7 November 2012
- Editor’s Blog: Great Expectations Renewable Energy Focus, 16 October 2012
- Editor’s Blog: A startling fact for you Renewable Energy Focus, 11 October 2012
- Editor’s Blog: Shocking wake-up call on global warming – report stresses renewable energy investment needs Renewable Energy Focus, 6 October 2012
- Editor’s Blog: Water use in electricity generation – the sobering facts that make the case for wind and solar power Renewable Energy Focus, 19 September 2012
- Editor’s Blog: A new era begins Renewable Energy Focus, 30 August 2012
- New Energy Frontiers: The Battle To Meet Soaring Demand International Commerce Magazine, November 2011
- Power demand surge opens new fronts Progress Magazine (ACE Europe), October 2011
- Smart grid communications networks: are we looking at them in the right way? Smart Grid Update, 5 January 2012
Renewables Market & Investment Climate
- Is India renewables on the right track? Renewable Energy Focus, November/December 2013
- Blog: Fuel price hikes, green agenda to blame, and UK renewables investment set for a two-year go-slow… so what’s new then? Renewable Energy Focus, 18 October 2013
- Renewable Power Generation – 2012 figures Renewable Energy Focus, 9 October 2013
- Interview: Is there still too much uncertainty for investors? Part 3 Renewable Energy Focus, March 2013
- Interview: Is there still too much uncertainty for investors? Part 2 Renewable Energy Focus, March 2013
- Interview: Is there still too much uncertainty for investors? Part 1 Renewable Energy Focus, March 2013
- Market Focus: renewables in Hamburg Renewable Energy Focus, 13 March 2013
- Germany’s energy plan – where does renewable energy fit in? Part 3. Renewable Energy Focus, September 2012
- Germany’s energy plan – where does renewable energy fit in? Part 2. Renewable Energy Focus, September 2012
- Germany’s energy plan – where does renewable energy fit in? Part 1. Renewable Energy Focus, September 2012
- UK ROC Review: DECC deals blow to investor confidence as it paves way for more price cuts and a new dash-for-gas Renewable Energy Focus, 30 July 2012
- Wind: Getting O&M under control Renewable Energy Focus, 26 June 2012
- What is the real cost of renewable energy (part 5) Renewable Energy Focus, 01 June 2012
- What is the real cost of renewable energy (part 4) Renewable Energy Focus, 25 May 2012
- Offshore Wind: Solid foundations for the future Wind Energy Update, 21 May 2012
- What is the real cost of renewable energy? (part 3) Renewable Energy Focus, 17 May 2012
- What is the real cost of renewable energy, Part 2: Renewable energy cost examples, LCOE and the importance of taking risk into account Renewable Energy Focus, 7 March 2012 – or pdf here of original full article, Cost Calculation Conundrums , published in the January/February 2012 issue
- What is the real cost of renewable energy, Part 1: What you need to know when making comparisons to see which energy technology really is the most economical, cost-effective solution for the long term? Renewable Energy Focus, 6 March 2012 – or pdf here of original full article, Cost Calculation Conundrums, published in the January/February 2012 issue
- US solar: policy push for reliable project finance security PV Insider, 4 October 2011
- Spotlight on solar commercial due diligence PV Insider, 19 September 2011
- PV sector due diligence key to bankability and project security PV Insider, 6 September 2011
- Tidal environmental impact monitoring: are strict requirements holding back industry growth? Tidal Today, 31 August 2011
- Tidal: cost competitive with offshore wind in five years Tidal Today, 17 August 2011
- Tidal sector calls for urgent re-think on commercialization Tidal Today, 3 August 2011
- Tidal Investment: Does a sink or swim D-day loom? Tidal Today, 20 July 2011
- FAR FROM FIT AS A FIDDLE: Savage solar price cut helps consumers but threatens to kill off the UK industry altogether, 9 June 2011 (blog)
- Fighting the NIMBY war with a gamble Renewable Energy Focus, May/June 2011
- Aussie blues as policy chaos persists Renewable Energy Focus, November/December 2010
- PrivateEquitySupplyChainPlunge_Platinainterview_renews Renews, 7 October 2010
- Smaller onshore renewables vital_SteveRead_Ventusinterview_renews Renews, 22 July 2010
- Wary eye on Westminster_Stuart Hall interview_renews Renews, 1 July 2010
- Ontario sparks provincial power run Renewable Energy Focus US Edition, June/July 2010
- How viable are biofuels, Part 3: BP and Neste are looking to biofuels in the future Renewable Energy Focus, 26 January 2012 – or pdf of original full article, Biofuels Bottleneck, published in the November/December 2011 issue
- How viable are biofuels, Part 2: Biofuels Standards. For European players, sustainability requirements add extra pressure… Renewable Energy Focus, 25 January 2012 – or pdf of original full article, Biofuels Bottleneck, published in the November/December 2011 issue
- How viable are biofuels, Part 1: With an increased focus on biofuels as an energy solution, have policy makers been too optimistic about how soon second-generation biofuels can be developed? Renewable Energy Focus, 24 January 2012 – or pdf of original full article, Biofuels Bottleneck, published in the November/December 2011 issue
Wind Power
- UK’s Crown Estate hails plans to scrap 1.2GW Atlantic Array offshore wind farm a “positive development” Renewable Energy Focus 26 November 2013
- Blog: Fuel price hikes, green agenda to blame, and UK renewables investment set for a two-year go-slow… so what’s new then? Renewable Energy Focus 18 October 2013
- EWEA 2013 roundup: Part 2 Renewable Energy Focus, 17 May 2013
- EWEA 2013 roundup: Part 1 Renewable Energy Focus, 17 May 2013
- New turbines’ boost to energy yields Renewable Energy Focus, 29 April 2013
- The Interview: Christian Kjaer (Part 2) Renewable Energy Focus, March 2013
- The Interview: Christian Kjaer (Part 1) Renewable Energy Focus, March 2013
- Wind: Getting O&M under control Renewable Energy Focus, 26 June 2012
- Offshore Wind: Solid foundations for the future Wind Energy Update, 21 May 2012
- Building Wind Farms, Part 2 Renewable Energy Focus, 28 December 2011 – or pdf here of the original full article published in the November/December issue
- Building Wind Farms, Part 1 Renewable Energy Focus, 23 December 2011 – or pdf here of the original full article published in the November/December issue
- Big blades: brave, new world for logistics Wind Energy Update, 12 September 2011
- Wind: Finance tailor-made Renewable Energy Focus, July/August 2011
- UK offshore wind supply chain: New targets “a real stretch” Wind Energy Update, 1 August 2011
- Fighting the NIMBY war with a gamble Renewable Energy Focus, May/June 2011
- Spotlight on due diligence Renewable Energy Focus, March/April 2011
- A plan to succeed Renewable Energy Focus, January/February 2011
- UK on Repower expansion radar_AndreasNaueninterview_renews Renews, 16 December 2010
- Wind power from conception to reality Renewable Energy Focus, November/December 2010
- China gets serious on offshore wind Renewable Energy Focus, September/October 2010
- PrivateEquitySupplyChainPlunge_Platinainterview_renews Renews, 7 October 2010
- Perfect storm rolls onshore_ColinPalmerinterview_renews Renews, 5 August 2010
- Smaller onshore renewables vital_SteveRead_Ventusinterview_renews Renews, 22 July 2010
- Wary eye on Westminster_Stuart Hall interview_renews Renews, 1 July 2010
- Early alarm bell on R3 supply chain_focus_renews Renews, 1 July 2010
- UK offshore needs feed-in tariff_Anders Eldrup interview_renews Renews, 3 June 2010
- Harness the winds of change Risk Specialist Magazine, May 2010
- Europe needs to go big offshore_Eddie O’Connor interview_renews Renews, 6 May 2010
- EU Renewables- will the decade belong to onshore wind (pdf – for web link click here) Renewable Energy Focus, March/April 2010
- Wind makes case in climate crunch_wpm Windpower Monthly, November 2009
- Getting the incentive mechanisms right_wpm Windpower Monthly, November 2009
- Policy change could unleash potential in India_wpm Windpower Monthly, November 2009
- Opportunity and risk in China – a Windpower Monthly Special Report Windpower Monthly, November 2008
- A breakthrough for CSP Renewable Energy Focus, 16 July 2013
- Blog: Solar energy – what cost, what outlook and what’s going on in Hawaii? Renewable Energy Focus, 20 February 2013
- Blog: Surge in solar energy news – Top 5 solar power project announcements this month (so far) Renewable Energy Focus, 15 November 2012
- US solar: policy push for reliable project finance security PV Insider, 4 October 2011
- Spotlight on solar commercial due diligence PV Insider, 19 September 2011
- PV sector due diligence key to bankability and project security PV Insider, 6 September 2011
- PV turns to new world markets PV Insider, 9 August 2011
- FAR FROM FIT AS A FIDDLE: Savage solar price cut helps consumers but threatens to kill off the UK industry altogether, 9 June 2011 (blog)
Marine/Tidal Renewables
- World’s Best Tidal Energy Markets (it’s not all about the tides) Tidal Today, 10 October 2011
- Tidal projects make headway in Australia and New Zealand Tidal Today, 14 September 2011
- Tidal environmental impact monitoring: are strict requirements holding back industry growth? Tidal Today, 31 August 2011
- Tidal: cost competitive with offshore wind in five years Tidal Today, 17 August 2011
- Tidal sector calls for urgent re-think on commercialization Tidal Today, 3 August 2011
- Tidal Investment: Does a sink or swim D-day loom? Tidal Today, 20 July 2011
- Marine struggles in muddy waters_renews Renews, 9 September 2010
Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear Waste: UK launches hunt for new MOX plant design Nuclear Energy Insider, 12 December 2011
- Who will win the nuclear waste race? Nuclear Energy Insider, 26 October 2011
- A nuclear phase-out for France: Is it really on the cards? Nuclear Energy Insider, 1 September 2011
- Britain renews renaissance hopes Nuclear Energy Insider, 13 July 2011
- UK nuclear sector ramps up a gear Nuclear Energy Insider, 30 June 2011
- Power demand surge opens new fronts Progress Magazine (ACE Europe), October 2011
Climate Change & Business
- London Zoo roars to success to become first official Low Energy Company in UK, Energy Demand, 14 October 2013
- Sustainable leaders_the hub The Hub (npower’s customer magazine) February 2007
- Climate Change: How UK business can benefit by reducing carbon emissions A Director’s Guide, published by the Institute of Directors in partnership with The Carbon Trust, September 2005, © Copyright September 2005 Director Publications Ltd
Green Building
- US Green Boom Renewable Energy Focus, March/April 2007
- Countdown to zero emissions Renewable Energy Focus, January/February 2007
- Stern Measures Renewable Energy Focus, November/December 2006
- Solar City Showcase Renewable Energy Focus, September/October 2006
Think GSR …
If you are working towards a Green, Sustainable, and Renewable energy fuelled future make Gail Shameza Rajgor part of your communications team.
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